Thursday, January 15, 2009

Breaking News through Cyberspace

The effect of telematics on our experiences, stories, and communications is always changing and continues to heighten and better our understanding.  Just today, as I witness the breaking news of a major plane crash unravel, one is witnessing the effects of telematics without even realizing it.  Because of telemactics, the story and experience of the event is magnified.  People collectively add pieces of different aspects to the story, whether it be a survivor account sent from one news organization to another on the internet, a photograph from a unique angle published to the world online, or an eyewitness’ report through a telephone.  As Pierre Lévy discusses, there is an endless horizon of how cyberspace and art can develop.  There is no beginning or end nor is there a specific owner of a collective online collaboration.  The story that developed today was not owned by one news organization, but came forth through the collective input of numerous individuals on cyberspace.  Breaking news can be an art as much as a virtual drawing on someone’s Facebook wall.  The way we communicate, create art, and share stories will continue to develop with the advent of telematics.

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